Photographs by Don Freeman



“Does It Come in Chrome?”  Review of The Substance of Style, by Virginia Postrel.

“The New New Woman” Review of Flux, by Peggy Orenstein.

“Uptown Girl” Review of 1185 Park Avenue, by Anne Roiphe.

“The Beautiful People” Review of Survival of the Prettiest, by Nancy Etcoff.

10,000 Things I Hate About You Review of No One Left to Lie to, by Christopher Hitchens.

“The Original ‘Valley’ Girl” Essay on the writer Jacqueline Susann. 

“Against Appropriation” Review of Racechanges, by Susan Gubar.

“Truth in Feminism” Review of Notes From An Incomplete Revolution, by Meredith Maran.

“I Am Woman, Hear Me Whine” Review of Bitch, by Elizabeth Wurtzel.

“Bang the Drum Slowly” Review of The Maiden King, by Robert Bly and Marion Woodman.

“When ‘No’ Means ‘No’ Review of A Woman Scorned, by Peggy Reeves Sanday.


"The Ploy of Sex"


“Beware the Cookie Monster” An op-ed about Hillary Clinton's betrayal of feminism.


“The Feminist Mystique” Review of Backlash, by Susan Faludi, and Revolution from Within, by Gloria Steinem.

“She the People” Review of Object Lessons, by Anna Quindlen.

“The Women's Hour” Review of Fire With Fire, by Naomi Wolf.

“The Dope on Dana” An article on the hypocrisy of U.S. Representative Dana Rohrabacher.


“The Decline of Fashion Photography” 

"The $29,900 Styrofoam Cup: Do the art cognoscenti like the work they buy?"

“Craft Work: If it’s beautiful, is it still modern dance?”

“The Pottery Barn Revolution: There’s hope for American furniture”

“Interior Anti-Design: A critique in pictures”

“Revisionist Feminism: Susan Faludi and Karen Lehrman”


Passage to Israel

“The Left is Ruining Feminism”


"Losing Friends Over the War in Gaza"


"Object Lesson"


"Off Course: Women's studies has empowered women to speak up in class. The problem is what they're often talking about.”


“Growing up with Divorce”

“Kids in Congress”


“How Julia Child Invented Modern Life”


Opening of New Israeli Art Gallery Provides Hope in a Troubled Time

How a Week of Gun Violence Could Bring Us Together

I Am a Liberal--Are You?

Where is Jewish Pride?

Healing of the Spirit: The Genius of Leonard Cohen

A Jewish Open Letter to Antifa


Instaporn: The Self-Degradation of Women

It’s time to de-normalize ‘Palestinianism’

I Am Woman: Reclaiming Feminism for the 21st Century

Toxic Tribalism: The Death of Humanity

Reclaiming Judean Identity: A Decolonization Plan

Only the Brave Write History

Hand of God: Transcendence

Hand of God: Harmony


Soul Searching: Reform Movement Aims to Liberate its Zionism

Dear Status Leftists,

October 7, Verbatim

Eden Golan: Soul of Beauty

In the Shadow of Nova

The Threat of Islamophobia

Bravery Stems from the Soul

Bomb Threats in the Naked City

ADL Conference Leans into Liberal Values

Art + Protests in NYC

Dear Candace Owens

The Other White Supremacists

A Light in the Darkness

Fighting Hate with Pride, not Fear

Jihadi Marxism

The Anti-Rebels

Battle for the Soul of Israel

Arguing with Everyone

Love Don’t Fade Away

The Unraveling of Academia

Can We Bring Civility Back?

Democrats and the Jews

The Sassoons: The Privilege of Hard Work

The new ‘Good Germans’

The Neo-Alt-Right

A Jazz Concert Relives a Dream

A Campaign Against Jew Hatred That Actually Worked

The Power of Words

The Rebellion of Jewish Pride

The Eternal Hope of Israeli Art

The Kanye Precedent

Hate, Lies, Partisanship

Wellesley: From Beacon of Liberalism to Beacon of Shame

The Sacred Light of Koolulam

The Eternal Kaddish

The Soul of Zion

The Era of Rebellious Art

New York City, 1909

Ideas Matter


Invited to Life

Let My People Go

You Didn’t Fight Back

We Came Here with Nothing

The Dignity of the Individual: An Ode to Radical Heterodoxy

Is There a Dark Side to ‘Never Again’?

Eternal Messages of Hope

Defiance in the City of Death

The Virus of Anti-Semitism

The Sacred Space of Light

Decolonizing the Soul

Fight Fire With Fire


Can Beauty Save the World?

One Nation, One Heart

A Glimpse of Zion

Artists Represent Best of Israel

Brooke Goldstein Upholds the Civil Rights of Jews

Anti-Semitism Can’t Extinguish Our Eternal Flame

Nikki Haley Takes Manhattan, Again

When Hannah Arendt and Humanity Won

When Souls Touch

One People, One Voice

Arianna Huffington Wants a Shabbat Revolution

The Iconic Mrs. Maisel

The Normalization of Gun Violence

Dear Antifa

Healing of the Spirit: The Genius of Leonard Cohen

Where is Jewish Pride?

The Perfidy of Evil

Light Begins With Truth

Toxic Femininity

The Beauty of Order

The Power of Cool

In the Thrall of Ethereal Genius

We’re Jews, We’re Not White, We Define Ourselves

Converging on Humanity

Islamists in the House

Rep. Ilhan Omar Meets Mrs. Maisel

“Intersectionality: The New Caste System”

“Becoming Alpha”

“Let’s Talk About the Benjamins”

“Israel and the Partisan Divide”

“The Sharia Left”

“I Have a Dream”

“Diaspora’s Good Rap”

“The March of Hate”

“Portraits of Faith”

“A Missed Virtue Signal”

“Religion and the Poetry of Order”

“Hope for a Radical Middle”

“And on Hanukkah… We Danced”

“My Day With Conservative Ideas”

“The Blessing of Friends”

“The Silent #MeToo”

“The Kippah Deal”

“The Politics of Evil”

“The Lipstick Proviso and the New Double Standard”

“One Love, One Heart”

“The Light From Within”

“Feminist #MeToo Needed”

“Blessed by Movement”

“The New Counterculture”

“Elegant Souls of Light”

"Sacred Space"

"Stanley Kubrick: Subliminal Jew"

"Transforming Darkness Into Love"

"Between My Self and My Group"

"Dear Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez"

"Fighting Fascism on College Campuses"

"Facebooking Friendship"

"We, the Israelites"

"It's Time to Take Back the Kippah"

"What Would My Grandparents Think?"

"The Feminist Case for Courtship"

"Rebels of Reason"

"The Gaslighting of Jews"

"An Ode to Masculinity"

"The Unbearable Lightness of Dignity"

"Sex and the City"

"A Tribute to Terrorists"

"This Girl is on Fire"

"An Ode to Motherhood"

"The Golden Calf of Leftism"

"What the Israeli Left can teach the American Left"

"I am a Liberal. Are You?"

"This Sacred Beauty"

"Progressive Bullies"

"The Beauty of Ritual"

"Pleasure is not political"

"Time's up for faux liberals"

"Can We Please Start Over?"

"Help Boys Be Better Boys"

"News Flash: Guns Kill"

"Seduced by the Light of Los Angeles"

"Women, Sex and Power"

"The Meaning of Cool"

"Why I Didn't March"

"We are all Shitholers"

"The Soul of Beauty"

"For We Are Glorious"

"On Goddesses, Doormats and Linda Sarsour"

"City of Peace"

"Regressive Chic"

"The Light We Create"

"'Wonder': A Call to Our Better Angels"

"The Privilege of Gratitude"

"Modigliani: 'Je suis Juif'"

“My Story with Leon Wieseltier”

"A Deeper Feminism"

"As a woman"

"Where Were the Liberals When Weinstein Betrayed Them?"

"Four Jewish Women Who Influenced a Century"

"Toward a Radical Middle"

"The rise and fall of political snowflakes"

"My son, the Maccabee"


"Passage to Israel"


“What Women Want”


“Measuring Progress: Have women redesigned design?”


“The Gardens of Brook Klausing”


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